Journalism & Mass Communications

Journalism and mass communication is not just a career for reporters and editors, it is a career for writers, travellers, content creators, radio jockeys, etc. The common link between all of them is their passion to collect and spread the information through the masses.
A very basic difference between journalism and mass communication is that while journalism deals with the collection and dissemination of news through media, mass communication is any platform that is used to spread messages, opinions, news and entertainment to the masses. So journalism is actually a subcategory of mass communication.
In Journalism, the topics of study majorly include politics, national and regional affairs, writing for media, media laws and ethics, global media scenarios. While pursuing a degree in Mass Communication, students learn subjects relating to print media, advertising, public relation, electronic media and corporate communication.
There are various subcategories of mass communication are:
1. Advertising
2. Public relations
3. Social media
4. Audio media
5. Film and television
6. Photography
7. Interactive media
8. Journalism

To develop a career in mass communication, a Bachelor's degree in Mass communication or in Journalism can be completed. It is a profession for curious and creative people. It is a challenging field where a person should be prepared to work without any time and geographical constraints. A constant thirst for knowledge and being updated is a must for a successful career in this field.
In order to have a fruitful career in Journalism & Mass Communications, one needs to have certain skills such as: